BLISS, Acrylic on canvas, 56 x 56 cm 2017 TJ/MX ___________________ collection of Esther & Danae Leemans, Eindhoven, NL. ___________________
BLISS, Acrylic on canvas, 56 x 56 cm 2017 TJ/MX ___________________ collection of Esther & Danae Leemans, Eindhoven, NL. ___________________
Art Direction / Writer & FOUNDING MEMBER of GHOST MAGNET ROACH MOTEL PUNKFORMANCE & SOUND ART COLLECTIVE from the Borderlands of TJ from 2005 – until 2017 ______________________________ Dirección de Arte / Escritor y Miembro Fundador de GHOST MAGNET ROACH MOTEL COLLECTIVO DE ARTE SONORO y PUNKFORMANCE de la Frontera de Tijuana desde 2005 – hasta […]
acrílico sobre tela, 192.5 x 163 x 4.5 cm, 2017. colección privada TJ/MX ////// the merchant prince (el príncipe marchante) retrata el ocaso del imperio con el que crecimos. O sea, el fin de lo que conocimos como el sueño americano. La fórmula de un desastre devenido del nepotismo, el privilegio-blanco, el panem et circenses y la eventual […]
The Mexican artist Daniel Ruanova (1976) comes from a different world and a different culture, a world with urgency and where survival takes time. Death is an integral part of his culture, not only because of the drugs wars, political instability and poverty. As Ruanova himself explains: ‘if you do not embrace death, it will […]
Ensamblaje de elementos impresos 3D (PLA) con resane epóxico sobre libro / Assemblage of 3D injection printed (PLA) elements with epoxy filler on book. 40 x 40 x 32 cm. ___________________________________ https://www.facebook.com/daniel.ruanova/videos/ […]
H.f.t.C. / H.p.l.C = Heraldry for the Complacent / Heráldica para los Complacientes Text translation from blue flag / Traducción del texto de bandera azul: CON ESTE DOCUMENTO AFIRMO QUE EL FUTURO POLÌTICO DE MI PAÍS (MÉXICO), CONSTA DE LA INVASIÓN DEMOCRÁTICA DE MI PAÍS (U.S.A.). POR ESTA RA- ZÓN, PROPONGO QUE SE FORME UNA […]
DEFENSE Seed I, galvanized steel drywall studs and zinc-coated self drilling screws, Ø 80 cms, 2017 DEFENSE Seed II, brass drywall studs and zinc-coated self drilling screws, Ø 75 cms, 2017 Gallery photos (thumbnails) courtesy of the Thomas Mayer Archive shown together in TRANSLOCATING BORDERS @ PIET HEIN EEK Gallery, Eindhoven, NL.
From March 15th to April 25th of 2017, Daniel Ruanova took part in the first ever artist residency project @ PIET HEIN EEK Gallery in Eindhoven, NL. Coming from the borderlands of Tijuana, MX, to the Netherlands for the production of his solo show in the gallery, this is a testimonial interview about his 40 […]
One of the great perks of my artist residency @ Piet Hein Eek gallery in Eindhoven, was the collaboration with the Van Abbemuseum. The Van Abbe Vitrine is an offsite museum space situated inside the large gallery at PIET HEIN EEK. Here, gallery artists are commissioned to curate a selection of works from the museum’s […]
I am a visual artist from the borderlands of Tijuana (México-USA). My art practice moves through layers of aesthetics – politics – dark humor and transcultural mutations; every so often, the human tragedy creates forms that must be engaged with as new-language. Now, specially in Europe (but always present in “las Américas”), these forms are […]
Serie(s): Heráldica para la Frontera Norte / Heraldry for the Northern Border 2014-2017 “Con este proyecto pictórico genero una post-historia que nunca existió. Con tintes localistas y con una visión cívica crítica, construyo un imaginario heráldico de un lugar que no existía como-tal antes del modernismo; y por lo tanto los únicos símbolos socio-políticos existentes […]